About Me

My name is Mike Brown.  I was born and raised in Bakersfield, CA where I still currently reside.  I have 2 beautiful daughters (Belle Emery & Mila Noelle), and I have the most amazing, wonderful, beautiful girlfriend, who I love very much. Her name is Joselyn, and she is my rock!!

I have been involved in the world of sport and fitness for as long as I can remember.  Started playing soccer at 4 years old, which I played through college.  Then I made the transition into Bodybuilding, where I trained and competed for 7 years, earning my Pro Card along the way.  After I accomplished everything I had set out to accomplish in the sport of Bodybuilding, I made the jump to CrossFit.  It's now been 2 years, and I recently qualified, and competed at the 2018 Crossfit Games West Regional against some of the fittest athletes on the planet.  My journey has definitely taken me many places, and now I want to share my knowledge of fitness and nutrition with everyone that will listen.  My goal is to not only motivate and inspire others, but to also help them reach their health and fitness goals.  Everyone deserves to be the best version of themselves.  You only get one life, so you should do everything you can to make it the best life possible.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and for visiting my site in the first place.  It means the world to me to feel all of the love and support that I receive.  I love you all!!  
